this morning I found this little owl in my hengarden it didnt find the way out

;O))) the protector isnt very scary huh

my camera had been in y car so it vas frosty and it vas fog on the lenses unfortunately

well I have got pictures enyvay but not so sharp

happiness when I got in my hand I talked to it and tould him I would help him out so he let me take it inmy hand

oooooo happiness is to hould an owl in the hand looking int hes eyes oooo soooo sweeet

I let it out from my hengarden and it flow avay up in a b´near tree sat there looking at me

Im so happt to have got to be so near to it

so little and so sweeet ;O))))),he did not bite me,,think he know I am nice ;O)))

ja de kvillrar i mej av lycka att få komma nära en sådan vacker liten flygare

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